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3 Hard to Detect Mental Health Issues: Early Signs and Symptoms

With more than 55 million people developing new mental disorders in America every year, it would be safe to say that mental health issues are a serious problem in the US. Unfortunately, most of these problems go undetected and undiagnosed until things take a more serious turn for the worst. As it could potentially be affecting anyone close to us or we could ourselves be suffering from one disorder or the other without even knowing about it, it is important that we learn to detect the early signs and symptoms.

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Let’s start the list off with the most common and neglected disorder in the entire world; depression. While short periods of depression following a tragic incident, situation, or encounter are neither uncommon nor a mental disorder, chronic clinical depression is a serious issue that is plaguing a major portion of the global population and recognizing depression early is of the utmost importance.

  • Lack of interest even in things that used to appeal to the individual earlier
  • Apathy
  • Seemingly lacking emotions
  • lethargy and perpetual tiredness
  • loss of appetite/unusual increase in appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Shift to a daytime sleeping schedule without any valid reason
  • Negativity in attitude, verbal speech, and expression
  • Irritability and restlessness
  • Suicidal thoughts and tendencies
  • Abnormally slow reaction times without any responsible physical conditions
  • Developing and complaining about physical pain, which often cannot be traced to any physical symptoms

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A common problem with soldiers, emergency responders, and victims of abuse, rape, attempted murder, or any other form of violence, PTSD can go undetected as the symptoms may not always be apparent to those around the person.

  • Detailed nightmares, hallucinations, and flashbacks where the individual relives the experience momentarily and repeatedly
  • Insomnia
  • Constant agitation and anger management problems with sudden violent outbursts
  • Depression and all the symptoms that come with it
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Impulsive behavior and activities
  • Social reclusion
  • Drug and/or alcohol dependence
  • Cessation of any activity that is related to or reminds one of the trauma

Bipolar Disorder

We now come to one of the hardest to detect and diagnose a psychological disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It mostly goes undetected because there are so many ways it affects people and how people act under the influence of bipolar disorder varies greatly from individual to individual. Nevertheless, the following signs should help to highlight a few of the most obvious and common symptoms that might be a tell-tale sign.

  • Mania
  • Depression
  • Frequent cycles of mania and depression within a short time
  • Frequent cycles of mania and depression with each mood taking a long time to change, mostly irrespective of the actual situation

These are of course only three of the multiple disorders that go undiagnosed every year in the US and around the world, but they are certainly some of the most common ones. The point is to understand that if you or anyone close to you is exhibiting any of the signs as mentioned here, seeking professional help as soon as possible is the only logical course of action.

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