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‎5 Ways To Help Preserve Brain Health In ‎Elderly People

Have you been experiencing memory loss? Or are your loved ones finding it difficult ‎to focus on tasks? If that is so, you or your loved one's brain health might be at risk. ‎With our five ways to help preserve brain health in older people, you don't have to ‎worry about anything.‎

Physical body pains are not the only gift aging might give you. Often getting old ‎involves experiencing memory loss, inability to focus, and many other problems ‎related to the brain. Science has proposed many ways to preserve brain health in ‎older adults, and here we will be discussing 5 of them. ‎

So, without further ado, first, let's know how brain health gets affected with age.‎

What Is The Effect Of Aging On Brain?

The effects of aging on the brain are complex and multi-faceted. One of the most ‎significant changes that occur as we age is a decline in cognitive function, including ‎memory and attention.‎

You might not be able to focus on something while you are working. You might get ‎distracted way too quickly from a task. You tend to forget names and even dates as ‎well. These are some of the most common signs your brain health is at a ‎deteriorating stage.‎

However, these signs do come with age, and one cannot avoid them. If not properly ‎looked after, one might have to get help from memory care centers. We have ‎discussed what comprises your brain health in the next section.‎

What Is Brain Health?

Brain health refers to the overall well-being of the brain. This includes the overall ‎function of the brain, as well as the structure and size of the brain. Some of the main ‎aspects of brain health are;‎

  • Emotional Function: This involves how well you respond to emotions
  • Cognitive Health: It affects your abilities to process, learns, and remember
  • Tactile Function: it revolves around your ability to sense pressure, ‎temperature, and pain.‎
  • Motor Function: This is the ability to perform actions and movements

5 Ways To Help Preserve Brain Health

If you never want your or your dearest ones to suffer at memory care centers, then ‎you need to work on it now. Here are 5 of the best ways to preserve your brain health. ‎

‎1. Maintain A Healthy Diet‎

The first and foremost thing you need to do is maintain the best diet possible. You ‎cannot expect a healthy brain when all you eat is a nutrition deficient diet. To have ‎your brain, the healthiest try to involve the intake of antioxidants in your diet.‎

Increased vitamin C and E intake are essential nutrients to maintain a healthy ‎brain. Try to incorporate tomatoes, berries, fish, nuts, and vegetables into your diet as ‎much as possible.‎

Plus, you can also pop some biotins and vitamins in the form of prescriptions. Often a ‎proper diet might not be able to deliver the required nutrients into your brain's tissue. ‎An appropriate routine of the supplement will do for that. However, at first, make sure to get proper consultation from your physician.‎

‎2. Be Mentally and Physically Active‎

To preserve the health of your brain, you need to be physically active. Regular ‎physical and mental activity has always been linked with a decreased risk of ‎developing dementia. ‎

Being inactive while being old can often destroy your cognitive abilities. And in that ‎case, memory care assisted living centers would only help. To avoid this, start ‎having a proper exercise routine daily for at least 15 minutes and play puzzles.‎

‎3. Stress Management‎

Try to maintain your stress levels as low as possible. Old age can bring a lot of stress, which is something obvious. However, it is important to learn stress ‎management to improve brain health.‎

Try to meditate as soon as you wake up early in the morning. Also, learn to do deep ‎breathing exercises whenever you feel stressed out. The inhale and exhale strategy ‎works the best in this case.‎

‎4. Get a Proper Sleep‎

Not being able to get a proper amount of sleep can decline the health of your brain. ‎With an early bedtime and early rise regime, you will get adequate sleep. Maintain at ‎least 8 hours of sleep in a comfortable environment free of distractions.‎

‎5. Get Socially Involved‎

Socializing always works. Remember, catharsis is the easiest step to relieve your ‎brain from stressors and have a healthy brain. Try to join social groups that include ‎your age fellow. ‎

A friend by the side can be the best support while at the older stage of life. You can ‎also join groups to improve cognition while playing puzzles or telling stories. You ‎can join centers dealing with memory care in assisted living in your area.‎

Final Words

To sum it up, old age can bring along a lot of problems. But losing your brain health ‎is one of the worst problems at this stage. Not only would you be having difficulties ‎remembering something, but you will also be unable to perform cognitive tasks. ‎

So, make sure to look after the health of your brain by maintaining a healthy diet, ‎having a good sleep, indulging in physical activities, managing your stress, and ‎socializing!‎

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